FIG.4: The FastSend Home Page. (Screen
capture courtesy of FileFlow Inc.)

IMAGE FileFlow.pm04.gif
IMAGE FileFlow.pm05.gif
IMAGE FileFlow.pm06.gif

FIG.5: The initial FastSend screen contains the
essential elements that are also found in an e-
mail message. (Screen capture courtesy of
FileFlow Inc.)

FIG. 6: The Advanced Options screen provides
the user with a variety of choices related to how
the files will be sent, when they will be sent,
how long they will remain on the server,what
level of security will be assigned,and what the
password (if any) will be.(Screen capture
courtesy of FileFlow Inc.)

Files are selected using a simple window interface in which the files are picked from folder
or directorylistings and added to the FastSend list (FIG. 7). The send process is initiated by
selecting the appropriate send button.

IMAGE FileFlow.pm07.gif

FIG.7: Files are easily added to, or removed
from, the file selection list. (Screen capture
courtesy of FileFlow Inc.)

After the files have been sent, a confirmation screen appears informing the sender that the
transmission was successful, and that e-mail messages have been sent to both sender and
recipient advising them of that fact (FIG. 8). The FastSend file recipient is notified of the
availability of the file transmission and is provided with instructions on how to retrieveit.
The recipient can use either an applet or browserplug-in, and links are provided to retrieve
the file for each of these options.

IMAGE FileFlow.pm08.gif

FIG. 8: The sender receives a confirmation notice immediately after the file transmission has been executed.
(Screen capture courtesy of FileFlow Inc.)

The use of one of the links contained in the e-mail message leads the user to a prompt to
select a folder in which to save the file. When the folder is selected the download begins
immediately. A small progress window (similar to the window that the sender sees during
the compression process) shows the decompression progress(FIG. 9). When the transmis-
sion is complete the recipient is informed that a message will be sent to the sender to in-
form him or her that the transmission has been successful.

IMAGE FileFlow.pm09.gif

FIG.9: The recipient sees the progress of the files as they are
decompressed. (Screen capture courtesy of FileFlow Inc.)

[made with GoClick]